wayside creator con

wayside creator con

A CON Celebrating comics and the people that make them

  • The Where & When

    The convention takes place on Sunday,October 27th at Market Brewing Co. from 10am - 6pm.

  • The Food & Drink

    This location is a licensed facility so you can enjoy a drink with your creative friends while discussing your next big idea. If you are exhibiting, you can opt into the add lunch deal and have your food ready for an aditional cost.

  • The Why

    If you know the Wayside brand, you know its all about community. Elevating voices, creating experiences, and enjoying every minute of it. All of the proceeds of the convention will be rolled into covering costs. If you are interested in sponsoring, lets connect.

Meet some of your favs

Mike ROOTH, Mike Del Mundo, Ken Lashley, Scott CHANTLER, Derek LAufman and More!